Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

motorcycle taxi(ojek)

Motorcycle taxi or public transport ojeg is informal in Indonesia in the form of a motorcycle or bicycle, but more commonly in the form of a motorcycle. Called informal because their existence is not acknowledged by the government and no permission for operation. Passengers usually one person but can sometimes be both. With a price determined by a bargain with the driver first then the driver will take passengers to the desired destination.

Motorcycle taxis are widely used by residents of big cities such as Jakarta. Because the surplus with other transportation that is faster and can pass the sidelines of congestion in the city. Moreover, it can reach areas with narrow alleys and hardest-hit by the car. Usually they hang out at a busy intersection, or in the driveway residential neighborhood.

Ojek bikes but rarely found in Jakarta, Tanjung Priok in the City and there are many bike motorcycle taxis that operate even though only a short distance.

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