Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Gado-gado history

Gado-gado is one food that came from Indonesia in the form of vegetables, boiled and blended into one, with a seasoning or sauce of crushed peanuts with sliced ​​egg and fried onions sprinkled on top. Slightly fried chips or crackers (there are also taking shrimp crackers) are also added.
Gado-gado to eat just like a salad with herbs / peanut sauce, but also can be eaten with white rice or sometimes also served with rice cake.
Ingredients Vegetable Vegetables are often used can vary, although vegetables are commonly used are:

* Green vegetables are sliced ​​into small pieces, such as lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, string beans, and bean sprouts.
* Other vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers.
* Tomato
* Sliced ​​boiled potatoes.
* Poached eggs.
With the exception of boiled eggs and potatoes, vegetables used are usually still in a raw state. Although sometimes vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower can also be boiled hot water. There are also vegetables that are sometimes cooked with hot water vapor.
Peanut sauce One difference hodgepodge of salad vegetables are used in peanut sauce. The materials used for peanut sauce can also be varied. Materials commonly used are:

* Nuts are crushed fried
* Garlic
* Chili pepper, pepper
* Water lemon
* The salt, brown sugar
Sometimes also added:

* Santan
* Ketchup
* Paste

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